Journal of technical science
“Technical Sciences” ( is an electronic journal designed to promote the development of technical sciences. Specialization of the journal is technical sciences. In the electronic journals will be published articles by national and foreign authors on contemporary achievements, innovative ideas and future perspectives in the field of scientific and practical technical sciences.

Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich – DSc, professor, Academician of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan: E-mail. (05.01.08-Process Control).

Igamberdiev Husan Zakirovich – DSc, professor, Academician of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan: E-mail. (05.01.08- DSc, professor, Process Control).

Mardonov Botir – pulpit “Technology of primary processing natural fiber”, professor

Ismatullaev Pathulla Rahmatovich – DSc, professor. E-mail. (05.01.06- Computer Technology and Elements and Devices of Control Systems).

Rahmanov Anvar Tadzhibaevich – DSc, professor. E-mail. (01.04.10-Semiconductor Physics)

Xakimov Sherkul – pulpit “Technological machines and equipment”, assistant professor

Shin Illorean – pulpit “Machine Science and Services”, professor

Djuraev Anvar – pulpit “Machine Science and Services”, professor

Xamraeva Sanobar – Head of the Department of Master

Nigmatova Fatima – pulpit “Design and technology of sewing products”, professor

Tashpulatov Salikh – pulpit “Costume Design”, professor

Nabieva Iroda – pulpit “Chemical Technology”, head of the department, professor

Xudayberdieva Dilfuza – pulpit “Chemical Technology”, professor

Babaxanova Khalima – pulpit “Technology of printing and packaging production”, professor

Rafikov Adxam – pulpit “Chemistry”, head of the department, professor

SvimonOkhanashvili – Telavi State University, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. Assoc. Prof. Head of Informatics Chair (2008), Head of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics Department since 2010.
E- mail:

Tamaz Lachashvili – Lecturer at Telavi State University.
E- mail:

Akhmedov Jakhongir – pulpit “Technology of silk” assistant professor

Yo’ldoshev Urishboy – Doctor of technical science

Usmankulov Alisher Kodirulovich – Doctor of technical science

Mariam Zakariashvili – Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics
lakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Telavi, Georgia

Polvonov Omonjon – Assistant of the Tashkent State Technical University
named after Islam Karimov branch of Kokand.
Electron pochta:

Toshpulatov Islomjon – Assistant of the Tashkent State Technical University
named after Islam Karimov branch of Kokand.

Abbazov Ilkhom Zapirovich – Doctor of Philosophy, dotsenti of the Department of Light Industry Technologies of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute E-mail. (05.06.02 – Technology of textile materials and initial treatmen of raw materials)