Crossroads of culture


Chief Editor:
Yusupova Marina Rimovna – candidate of art history, assistant professor

Mamatkasimov Jakhongir Abirkulovich – assistant professor (Executive Secretary)

Mavrulov Abdukhalil Abdulkhaevich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Ibrokhimov Okilkhon Akbarovich – Doctor of Arts, Professor

Isakulova Nilufar Zhanikulovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Nishonboeva Kunduzkhon Vakhobovna – candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor

Khaуtmatova Sabokhat Agzamovna – candidate of art history, assistant professor

Khudoev Gani Muhammadovich – PhD in Art Studies, assistant professor

Nino Gogiashvili – Doctor of Philology, Associate professor, Telavi State University, Georgia


Abdujabbarova Musallam Lapasovna – candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor

Yakubov Baxtiyor Choriyevich – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of art sciences

Requirements of the articles submitted:

  1. Articles should be at least 8 pages, in Times New Roman, 14 pt., 1,5 inter.
  2. The line head should be 1,25 cm, line spacing, and the words should be automatically moved.
  3. The first and last names of the author in the first line, and the title, position, academic degree and title of the author, e-mail address and telephone number in the second line, the name of the article in bold letters in the third line. This information certainly must be entered in Uzbek, English and Russian.
  4. An annotation of 150-200 words in the next line in three languages.
  5. Key words from the next row in three languages.
  6. The next line begins with the main text.
  7. Articles must be of scientific importance and facts and opinions in the article should be well-grounded and have an independent meaning, and they must be free of plagiarism. The author must clearly demonstrate the literature used in his or her opinion, and provide the exact sources of the extracts.
  8. Quotes should be from “Web of science” and “Scopus” journals.
  9. A complete list of publications should be followed in alphabetical order after the main text.
  10. Seals and references should be in the main text [1, 25].