Physical and mathematical sciences

“Physical and mathematical sciences” ( is an electronic journal designed to promote the development of physical and mathematical sciences. Specialization of the journal – Physical and mathematical sciences. In the electronic journals will be published articles by national and foreign authors on contemporary achievements, innovative ideas and future perspectives in the field of scientific and practical physics and mathematics.

The electronic journal will cover the ongoing democratic reforms in the country, mainly the tasks outlined in the Strategy for Action in the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, new approaches in the field of physics and mathematics, and modern achievements of the world and domestic science.

Egamberdiev Bahrom Egamberdievich – DSc, professor, Academician of RAS: Е-mail. (01.04.04-Physical Electronics)

Daliev Hozhakbar Sultanovich – DSc, professor, E-mail. (01.04.10- Semiconductor Physics)

Utamurodova Sharifa Bekmuradovna – DSc, professor, E-mail. (01.04.10- Semiconductor Physics).

Mallaev Amin Sajfulloevich – Candidate of Sciences, Assistant Professor: E-mail.  (01.04.10- Semiconductor Physics).

Zhabborov Nasridin Mirzoodilovich – DSc, professor. E-mail: (01.01.01- mathematical sciences)

Zikirov Obidzhan Salizhanovich – DSc, professor. E-mail: (01.01.02 – differential equations).

Sharipov Olimzhon Shukurovich – DSc, professor. E-mail: (01.01.05- Probability theory and mathematical statistics)

Beshimov Ruzinazar Bebutovich – DSc, professor., E-mail: (01.01.04 –geometry and topology)

Nurmukhamedova Nargiza Saydillaevna – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent. Head of the department “Scientific research, innovation and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel” National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.